There is a lot more in doing business online than simply having a website. You will need to direct traffic to your website. Getting user’s attention is not an easy thing as some will just passively scroll through your website which will not be helpful. The most common campaign tool is the landing page as it is created solely for marketing and promotion purposes.
The landing page is a standalone page with a call to action. The landing page should attract the interest of the user from the first glance. In order to reduce the number of visitors that just scroll through your website you will need to use interactive elements. Using interactive elements will engage the users and make it easy for them to convert to potential clients. Some of these elements include:
Animations are simply visuals that are meant to draw the attention and interest the user. Animations tend to make landing pages more unique and interactive. The entire purpose of animation is to fill the gaps and enhance the design. When using animation it is very important to decide on which elements to animate, when should they be triggered and how to go about it. Transformations and transitions are a great way to develop simple tweaks like making paragraphs fade on the scroll or even making the scroll down arrow hover. There are endless possibilities of using this element to increase user interactivity. You can get custom animations designed and created for you at an affordable rat on Fiver.
Buttons are very essential in any landing page as they provide a unique kind of interaction. The greatest challenge with buttons is that users can get lost or lose trust when the buttons do not indicate what exactly happens when you click on them. When you have a cursor change when it floats over a button it will notify that there is something clickable.

The most popular method of conversion is using forms. However it is not easy to use forms to make conversions since people are prone to make mistakes. Some of the most common mistakes include using too many fields, asking for personal information and confusing instructions. Most users just want something simple and easy to read and fill. In order to attract your target audience to fill the forms you need provide them with very interesting content. After that get to build their interest through the use of interactive elements. Ask questions that are necessary and make sure that the instructions and labels that you provide are clear and accurate. You can see successful uses of these elements on a number of different sites. Dating sites and apps commonly utilize forms to engage visitors. Fuck sites sometimes overuse forms to the point that they become an annoyance, so it is important to find a pleasing balance.
Use of videos is also another very interactive element that is considered to be highly engaging. This is not a surprise since people love to watch videos that they can relate to. The advantage of using videos is that most of the users remember about 95% of the content they see on video and 10% of what they read. This simply means that video makes much more sense and has a significant impact. Use of auto play in a video is debatable as it can help to draw attention. However to some users it can be annoying to have something loud play while browsing.
Social Media Sharing Buttons

Use of social media buttons is very important as it helps to remind the user to share your content. Make sure that you have attractive content so that the user will be willing to share even before getting to the social media button. Having a social media button reduces the cumbersome process of having to copy the URL then going back again to your social media page to post the URL. Make it a habit to remind your audience to share your content and products through the social media.
Surveys and Polls
Use of interactive elements like surveys and polls is another way of engaging users. These elements do not work for every website hence you should be very cautious and selective. In case surveys and polls fit well with your content then go ahead and use them and if not then try as much as possible to avoid. In case you choose to use quizzes then make sure that they are short and precise.
In summary, marketers have a very important job which is to get the right traffic to your website. Use of interactive elements have proven to be very effective.